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New Update Question Bank of Biochemistry (209)

Question Bank of Biochemistry (209)

Biochemistry and Metabolism

(1) Carbohydrate:
(a) Define carbohydrate. (13, 12, 11)
(b) Define stereoisomerism with examples. (15)
(c) Why sucrose is non reducing sugar? (15, 13, 11)
(d) Write down the structure and characteristics of amylase and glycogen. (15)
(e) Write down the structure and characteristics of lactose and glycogen. (13)
(e) Write the structure and important properties of cellulose and sucrose. (12)
(f) Write the structure and important properties of lactose and amylopectin. (11)
(g) What do you mean by epimers and anomers? (12)
(h) Write down the oxidation reduction reactions of glucose. (12)
(i) Write down the mutarotation of glucose. (11)
(j) Mention the meaning of the terms involved in the name α-D(+) glucopyranose. (13)
(k) What is polysaccharide? Distinguish between glycogen and cellulose. (10)
(l) What do you mean by D and L isomer and α and β anomers? (10)
(m) Write the name and structure of two disaccharides. (10)
(2) Protein:
(a) Define polypeptide and protein. (11)
(a) What is protein? (12)
(a) Define amino acid and protein. (13)
(b) Classify protein based on solubility. (12, 10)
(b) Classify protein based on biological functions. (11)
(c) What do mean by zwitter ion and ampholyte. (13)
(c) What do mean by the limiting amino acids and proteins. (15)
(d) Write down the structures of two limiting amino acids. (15)
(e) Describe briefly the primary and secondary structures of proteins. (15)
(f) Write the Ninhydrin reaction of amino acid. (15)
(g) Write the Ninhydrin reaction with importance. (12)
(h) Write down the structures of two acidic and two basic amino acids. (13, 11)
(i) What do you mean by essential amino acids?
(j) Write down the structures of three essential amino acids with names. (12)
(k) Write down the chemical reaction of amino acids with nitrous acid and Sanger’s reagent. (13, 11)
(l) What do you mean by ampholyte and IpH? How will determine the IpH of an amino acid? (10)
(m) Write down the structures of two S-containing and two -OH group containing amino acids. (10)  

(3) Lipids:
(a) Define lipids. (10, 14, 10)
(b) Define fatty acids. (15, 10)
(c) Classify fatty acids with examples. (11)
(c) Name three polyunsaturated fatty acids with their structures. (15, 13, 11)
(d) Animal fats are solid; plant fats are liquids at room temperature- explain why? (15, 12)
(e) Write down the structures of lecithin and cephalin. (15, 10)
(f) Write down the structures and functions of lecithin and cephalin. (13)
(g) What is triglycerols? (14, 11)
(h) Name two essential fatty acids with their structures. (14)
(i) Name essential fatty acids with their structures. (12, 10)
(j) Write don physical properties of fats and oils. (12)
(k) Describe three chemical properties of fats and oils. (12, 10)
(l) Differentiate between animal fats and plant fats. (11)
(j) How will you characterize tryacylglycerols with saponification number, iodine number and acid number? (13, 11)
(4) Enzyme:
(a) Define enzyme. (14, 12)
(b) Classify enzymes (12) with examples. (14)
(c) Narrate the effect of temperature and pH on enzyme activity. (14, 12)
(d) How will you convert M-M equation to a straight line equation? (12)
(5) Nucleic Acid:
(a) Define nucleotides. (13, 12)
(a) Define nucleosides and nucleotides. (15, 11)
(b) Write down the function of nucleotides. (13)
(b) Write down the chemical names with symbols of nucleotides involved in RNA. (15)
(c) Name the nucleotides with their symbols and structures involved in DNA. (14)
(d) Write the structures of nucleotides involved in DNA and RNA. (13, 11)
(e) Write down the structure and functions of GTP. (13)
(f) Write down the structure and functions of ATP. (12)                                                                (g) Diffrentiate between DNA and RNA. (15)
(h) Write down the structures with name of purine and pyrimidine bases involved in nucleic acid. (12)
(i) Write down the salient features of Watson - Crick Model of DNA structures. (12)

(6) General aspects of metabolism:

(7) Carbohydrate Metabolism:
(a) What do you mean by glycolysis? (15)
(b) Write down the reaction off the phase of glycolysis with appropriate enzyme and cofactors. (15, 14)
(c) Write the structures of NADP and GTP. (15)
(d) Write down the net yield of ATP and NADP in glycolysis. (14)
(e) Write down the structure and function of ATP. (14)
(f) Write energy yielding reactions of glycolysis. (13, 11)
(g) Write down the reaction catalyzed by pyruvate dehydrgenase complex. (13)
(h) Write the energy yielding steps of TCA. (12)
(a) Write down the reaction steps of TCA cycle. (15, 11)
(b) Write down the oxidative reactions steps of PPP. (15, 13)
(e) How propinyl CoA is metabolized? (14)
(f) Write anapleurotic reactions. (13)
(g) Describe the anapleurotic reaction of TCA cycle. (10)
(g) Write down the reaction steps of TCA cycle where NADP and FADH2 generated. (13, only NADH-10)
(h) Describe the fate of pyruvate. (12, 11)
(i) Write down the first bypass reactions of gluconeogenesis. (11)
(j) Describe the oxidative phase of pentose-phosphate pathway. (11)
(k) Describe the irreversible reaction steps of glycolysis. (10)
(l) How carbohydrates other than glucoses are metabolized. (10)
(m) Discuss the importance of transketolase and transaldoses. (10)

(8) Lipid metabolism:
(a) Write down the reaction of β- oxidation of fatty acid. (14)
(a) Write down the reaction of α- oxidation of fatty acid. (10)
(b) Describe the reaction of β- oxidation of fatty acid. (11)
(b) Illustrate the β-oxidation steps of olic acid. (12, 10)
 (h) How unsaturated fatty acid metabolized? (13)
(i) Describe the importance of carnitine in fatty acid metabolized. (13)
(j) Describe the metabolism of odd carbon fatty acid. (13)
(k) How odd carbon fatty acids are oxidized? (12)
(c) Describe the metabolism of propionyl-CoA. (15)
(d) How propionyl CoA is metabolized in animal. (11)
(m) Calculate the synthesis of ATP when stearic acid in fully oxidized to CO2 and H2O. (11)
(n) Describe the role of carnitine in fatty acid metabolism. (10)

(9) Protein metabolism:
(a) How cytosolic acyl-CoA transport to mitochondria? (15)
(b) Write down the reactions of NH3 assimilation. (15)
(c) Describe the reaction steps of urea cycle. (12)
(c) Write reactions of urea cycle that occur in mitochondria. (15, 13)
(c) Write reactions of urea cycle that occur in cytosol. (14)
(d) Write reactions of urea cycle that occur in cytoplasm. (11)
(d) Describe transmission and oxidative deamination reactions. (14)
(e) Write reactions catalyzed by Glutamine synthetase and Glutaminase. (14, 12)
(f) Describe the reactions where NH3 assimilated. (13)
(g) What is meant by ammonotelic, ureotelic and uricotelic organisms? (13, 11)
(h) Describe the reactions of NH3 fixation. (11)
(i) Define transamination; Write down the mechanism of transamination. (10)
(j) Describe the deamination reaction of protein metabolism. (10)
(n) What do you mean by amino acid and peptide bond?

* Short note: Starch, Triacylglycerol, Essential fatty acids. (10)