Hohoho Icon Through A Blizzard As Well As Learning Every Mo One Go
Thank goodness nosotros didn't acquire the 26 or 27 inches of snowfall they were calling for Mon dark into Tuesday (we got a managable 12 to xiii inches instead) but nosotros nonetheless settled inwards to facial expression out the storm. I filled the birdfeeder together with hung the suet together with and thus made a large pot of white chicken chili (I used this recipe together with it's instantly a solid unit of measurement favorite) along amongst unopen to beloved cornbread. The birdfeeders together with suet brought out every plane inwards the neighborhood and it was neat to come across a few woodpeckers (check out this video on my Instagram that I took of a Downy Woodpecker) together with all sorts of other birds.
I drew out a oil sketch to job every bit a guide.
I kept it pretty unproblematic together with exclusively used 3 colors, this was the get-go layer.
The adjacent twenty-four hours I added unopen to details together with her hair.
I in all probability could receive got added to a greater extent than pigment or to a greater extent than details but I'm trying to avoid over-painting.
I'm pretty happy amongst the results. I've never had whatsoever form of formal fine art preparation thus I am only form of teaching myself together with am learning every bit I go.
At this betoken I would rather only discovery together with figure it out myself instead of beingness told I am doing something incorrect or right, or live on shown the agency individual else says I should produce something. I mean value it allows my fine art to live on gratis together with without limits or rules because I don't receive got to worry virtually whatsoever of those things I tin flame only purely express. :)
I promise you lot receive got a swell week!
Love, Laura
article together with images copyright ©LauraBethLove2017