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Hope!! How To Sell Your Artwork On Impress On Take Away Websites

In my terminal ii weblog posts I explained what impress on need (POD) was, as well as I offered y'all to a greater extent than or less reasons why y'all mightiness desire to visit selling your fine art as well as designs on POD websites.

Today I’m going to speak close how to popular off close selling your artwork on POD sites, as well as I’ll say y'all a niggling chip close what tools y'all volition request to acquire started. So let’s acquire talking close the kickoff steps y'all request to conduct keep to acquire your fine art from your hands to inwards forepart of the eyes of thousands of potential customers.

To sell your artwork on impress on need websites at that spot are a few things that y'all volition request that are essential to getting the chore done. 

At a glance, they are:

  • An line organization human relationship amongst a POD site
  • An e-mail address
  • A PayPal account
  • Your ain master artwork
  • High-res digital images of your artwork that y'all do past times using either:
  • A flatbed scanner
  • A character camera
  • A Computer to persuasion as well as edit your digital images 
  • A photograph editing programme on your estimator for tidying upward your images
  • Optional: an external difficult drive to store your large icon files
  • A niggling chip of fourth dimension as well as patience to acquire how to do it

Let’s acquire started.

First as well as most importantly, y'all request artwork to sell. As long equally it is your ain master artwork that y'all created, y'all tin sell copies of it on products. You tin sell all unlike mediums artwork: paintings, drawings, graphic art, collages, etc. As long equally y'all created it as well as equally long equally y'all tin scan it or photograph it, y'all tin sell images of it.

Second, y'all request high-res digital icon files of your artwork to upload to the POD site, so y'all volition either request to scan or photograph your artwork so that y'all conduct keep it inwards digital form. 

Your high-res character images also request a DPI that is determined past times the POD site y'all are going to sell on, so y'all volition request to read the site’s instructions for that exact information. Society6, for example, recommends that your icon file survive at least 6500px past times 6500px or larger, at 72dpi or higher, amongst the file size existence smaller than 150MB. So y'all request it to survive big, but non monstrous. All y'all conduct keep to do is brand certain that y'all popular off on inside their icon size parameters.

If you’ve never done this before it mightiness survive a niggling chip confusing or overwhelming at first, but trust me, in 1 lawsuit y'all acquire how to do it it’s actually like shooting fish in a barrel as well as it becomes minute nature.

You volition request a estimator amongst plenty retentiveness to procedure as well as store your digital photograph files. H5N1 modest external difficult drive tin come upward inwards handy for storing those large files. I picked upward 1 for close $30 as well as it does the job. I salvage all of those large photograph files to my external difficult drive so that they are non taking upward tons of infinite on my laptop, hence slowing it down.

Why the large files? You request to conduct keep big, character files of your images so that they are large plenty to impress on large items such equally large sized prints, posters, as well as things similar blankets, shower curtains, as well as comforters, without losing character when the icon is enlarged. The terminal matter y'all desire is somebody to purchase a tapestry amongst your artwork on it as well as and so when they have it it’s completely blurry as well as pixelated because y'all used the incorrect size icon file. As I said earlier, each impress on need site volition conduct keep instructions for what size images y'all request for their products. You tin fifty-fifty brand multiple copies of your same artwork images specially sized to jibe on unlike products. But to a greater extent than on that inwards a time to come weblog post!

Another matter y'all volition request is a photograph editing programme on your estimator that volition allow y'all to touching on upward your photos. You volition desire to brand certain your artwork looks perfect before y'all upload it to the POD site, so y'all are going to desire to depository fiscal establishment check the colors as well as brand certain it’s a prissy clear, bright, abrupt image. Photoshop is great, but GIMP is gratis as well as does all of the same basic things.

If y'all request aid learning how to construct clean upward your photos as well as how to utilisation that photograph editing program, at that spot are tons of gratis videos on YouTube that volition exhibit y'all how. I utilisation the gratis GIMP program as well as taught myself the basics merely past times watching a few YouTube videos. It took me a niggling chip of time, practice, as well as patience, but it has actually paid off because straightaway I tin merely whiz through my photograph editing pretty quickly.

Lastly, y'all volition request to a greater extent than or less patience. It takes a piece to acquire your artwork upward on a impress on need site. Like I mentioned before, y'all may request unlike sized images for unlike products, peculiarly for extra large items such equally tapestries, comforters, as well as window curtains. Making these files tin survive a niggling time-consuming but it’s worth it.

Here's a tip: 
You tin upload the same images for sale on multiple POD sites

Once y'all conduct keep your icon files ready, the adjacent mensuration is uploading your images to the POD site as well as and so situating as well as positioning that icon onto each item that y'all desire to sell your artwork on. These photograph examples of what your fine art volition hold back similar on a item item are called “mock ups.“ Here are ii examples of my artwork on mock-ups:

Uploading your designs as well as positioning them on each item tin conduct keep a piece because sometimes the sites run a niggling chip slow, so y'all conduct keep to conduct keep a chip of patience. You desire each of your images to hold back merely correct on whatsoever production you’re putting it on, so conduct keep your fourth dimension as well as brand certain that everything is centered as well as direct as well as looks its best!

You volition also of course of report request to register with/open an line organization human relationship amongst whatsoever POD site y'all are interested inwards selling on, so y'all volition request a valid e-mail address as well as y'all volition also request a PayPal line organization human relationship so that they tin pay you. I conduct keep constitute that most impress on need sites conduct keep pretty clear instructions for how to acquire laid up. Make certain y'all read all the FAQs as well as directions that each site offers.

So to wrap things up, inwards my first weblog post I talked close as well as explained what POD/print on need is, inwards my second weblog post on the dependent area I talked close why y'all should survive selling your fine art on POD websites, as well as straightaway y'all know the basic tools that y'all request to start putting your artwork on impress on need websites!

Check out POD site my adjacent post where nosotros volition delve into things a niggling chip deeper when nosotros hash out to a greater extent than or less best practices for selling your artwork on impress on need sites.

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Article, images, as well as designs copyright ©Laura Beth Love for ™ 2018
all rights reserved